Reading Resources is an annual series of online teaching guides that supplement the free art books distributed by A.R.T.'s Library Program.

About the Project

Teaching Guides: Rirkrit Tiravanija

Rirkrit Tiravanija's practice insists that an artwork's meaning arises in its collective production and use.

Teaching Guides: Luis Camnitzer

Luis Camnitzer has insistently investigated art-making as a strategy of pedagogy while interrogating political relations such as those between periphery and center.

Teaching Guides: Walid Raad

Walid Raad’s work explores how historical events of physical and psychological violence affect bodies, minds, culture, and narrative.

Teaching Guides: Studio K.O.S.

Studio K.O.S. (Kids of Survival) investigate art-making as a process of collaborative learning and literacy-building.

Teaching Guides: Kara Walker

Kara Walker offers discomforting views into the intertwinings of violence and intimacy, pleasure and power, freedom and enslavement running throughout US history.

Teaching Guides: Roni Horn

© Roni Horn. Image courtesy Roni Horn Studio.

Roni Horn explores the fluid nature of identity, and the way it is shaped by memory, time, place, and language.

Teaching Guides: Lawrence Weiner

Language + the materials referred to, Dimensions variable. Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, 1994. Collection: Walker Art Center, T.B. Walker Acquisition Fund, 1993. © 2017 Lawrence Weiner / Artist Rights Society (ARS), New York.

A founding figure of Conceptual art, Lawrence Weiner pioneered the use of language as a sculptural material.

Teaching Guides: Glenn Ligon

Glenn Ligon grasps language as material and subject matter, incisively investigating issues of visibility, race, identity, and history.

Teaching Guides: Martha Rosler

"Feminism is a viewpoint that demands a rethinking of all structural relations in society."

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A.rt R.esources T.ransfer
526 W 26th Street, #614
New York, NY 10001
[email protected]