A. R. T.
The Home is Where the Heart Is

Archival catalog from a 1997 exhibition at the New York gallery White Columns.
In recent years, there has been much discussion surrounding the American family and the preservation of “traditional family values.” Coinciding with the anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising and Pride Week, this exhibition explores the shifting definitions of “family” and the role it plays in the lives of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. Themes explored include Love, Relationships and Marriage; Identity; Legacy and Heritage; Religion; Discrimination and Oppression; and Utopia.
Participating Artists: Elliot Bassman, Joan Bobkoff, Martha Burgess, Cathy Cade, Lenore Chinn, Tee Corinne, Joyce Culver, Joe De Hoyos, Mary DeVincentis, Donald L. Downs, Joy Episalla, Carlo Ferraris, Philip Friedman, Tomas Rodriguez Gaspar, Cheri Gaulke and Sue Maberry, Maria Elena Gonzalez, Barbara Hammer, Harmony Hammond, Peter Harvey, Daniel Heyman, Edith Isaac-Rose, Leigh Kane, Mary Klein, Jenny Laden, LeRoy King of Art, Jackie Lipton, Jim Long, Meredith Lund, Cyndra MacDowall, Marcelo Maia, Max Carlos Martinez, Christina Mazzalupo, Susan McKenna and Elizabeth Hynes, Ann Meredith, Laura Migliorino, Eric Rhein, Matthew Snow, James Michael Steven, Ho Tam, Steed Taylor, Timmy, Arthur Tress, Caroline Vaughan, and Ellen Wertheim.